with a strong top trung tam tieng anh uy tin client focus, Nature Advisory has extensive experience in a range of sectors and our trusted expert team will provide you with access to some of the best biodiversity advice available. tu lanh cu phat dat We listen and understand your project, undertake independent, rigorous assessments and provide focussed, relevant advice you can respond effectively to biodiversity regulations.
Nature Advisory has a dedicated team of experienced field botanists that regularly undertakes native vegetation assessments across a variety of sites. Our team has specialised knowledge of the structure and floristic composition of a range of vegetation types across Victoria.
All botanists at Nature Advisory are accredited by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) to conduct Vegetation Quality Assessments throughout Victoria in accordance with the required habitat hectare method described here. DELWP’s website documents our accredited assessors here.
The team at Nature Advisory have experience in native vegetation assessment from a range of project types, including property development (from small single lot applications to large, staged subdivisions), infrastructure (road, rail and pipeline projects) and renewable energy (wind farm projects).
We prepare high detail, quality maps clearly outlining the type and extent of native vegetation, and use the Victorian habitat hectare assessment to determine the quality of native vegetation at your site. We can then work with you to refine your project to avoid and minimise impacts on native vegetation, to ensure your application meets the requirements of the state native vegetation removal controls detailed in the planning scheme (see Clause 52.17)
All our native vegetation assessments and reports are undertaken and prepared in accordance with the Guidelines for the removal, destruction or lopping of native vegetation, an incorporated document in all Victorian Planning Schemes since December 2017.
Contact one of our Project Managers for more information Alan Brennan, Inga Kulik, Chris Dunk.
“Thank you and your team for your ongoing assistance and for the value your expertise brings to the project team.” – Melinda Ryan, Director & Town Planning Consultant