with a strong top trung tam tieng anh uy tin client focus, Nature Advisory has extensive experience in a range of sectors and our trusted expert team will provide you with access to some of the best biodiversity advice available. tu lanh cu phat dat We listen and understand your project, undertake independent, rigorous assessments and provide focussed, relevant advice you can respond effectively to biodiversity regulations.
Nature Advisory has a passionate and experienced team of zoologists that specialises in the assessment of various terrestrial fauna species in eastern Australia. Our zoologist team specialises in a range of fauna groups and surveys, from comprehensive knowledge of bird habitats and ecology to detailed understanding and survey experience in small mammals and reptiles. Our team’s strong knowledge of bird identification and behaviour has allowed Nature Advisory to undertake bird surveys in almost all Australian states, as well as a number of surveys internationally.
Our specialist fauna knowledge extends particularly to:
Our zoology team regularly undertakes site surveys to determine the presence of habitats suitable for threatened fauna species. Where suitable habitat is present, targeted surveys can be undertaken to determine the presence/absence of a particular species.
Our team is highly experienced in undertaking targeted surveys for a range of threatened fauna species, particularly those listed on Commonwealth and State legislation including:
Our highly skilled team can provide detailed recommendations and develop mitigation measures to avoid impacts to important fauna habitats. For wind farms, we can undertake detailed bird collision risk modelling to produce turbine layouts that minimise risks to threatened and iconic bird species. Around the greater Melbourne region, our zoological team often undertakes Eastern Grey Kangaroo surveys to provide input into staging and detailed works plans for new and expanding residential developments.
The zoological team at Nature Advisory also has ample experience in fauna salvage and translocation, and often works alongside machinery operators to ensure no animals are harmed during any approved habitat removal works, and that any displaced fauna is relocated to suitable habitats nearby.
Contact Jim Grant about our fauna assessment services.