with a strong top trung tam tieng anh uy tin client focus, Nature Advisory has extensive experience in a range of sectors and our trusted expert team will provide you with access to some of the best biodiversity advice available. tu lanh cu phat dat We listen and understand your project, undertake independent, rigorous assessments and provide focussed, relevant advice you can respond effectively to biodiversity regulations.


Extractive industries services

Members of the Nature Advisory team have been undertaking flora, fauna and native vegetation impact assessments for the mining and quarrying industries for almost 40 years. Nature Advisory understands the planning, design, construction and operational imperatives of such projects, and the available strategies and systems for identifying, assessing and managing the ecological impact.


Nature Advisory can assist in the ecological assessment of projects in the extractive industry as follows:


  • Initial desktop or overview survey to identify any ecological issues that may influence site selection and the regulatory pathway.
  • Detailed native vegetation assessment and native vegetation permit for removal
  • Threatened flora and fauna assessment
  • Surveys, in accordance with the applicable survey guidelines
  • Advice and guidance on project design, to achieve the best ecological outcome and to satisfy the requirements of environmental regulators.
  • Development of management plans for significant areas of native vegetation and/or threatened species
  • Input on flora and fauna issues to Land Rehabilitation Plans
  • Design and implementation of flora, fauna and/or vegetation monitoring programs.


Contact Brett Lane for more information.
